Upcoming 2019 Annual Webinar: Nursing Demand and Supply in CA

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2019 Annual Webinar: Nursing Demand and Supply in CA - Do we have a shortage?
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
12-1pm, Pacific Time

Panelists: Joanne Spetz, Garrett Chan, Teri Hollingsworth

Concerns about a shortage of registered nurses in California have been rising, with one report claiming that California will need nearly 200,000 more nurses by 2030. Other studies show that there will be no statewide shortages but that some regions face impending shortages and others may have surpluses. Over the past six years, surveys have found that many newly-graduated nurses are challenged to find jobs.

Join us for a webinar on the latest data on RN supply, demand, and shortages in California. We will describe the latest findings from the UCSF survey of nurse employers, the Hospital Association of Southern California’s hospital vacancy and turnover survey, HealthImpact’s Survey of New Graduate RNs, and other recently-released data.

We hope that you will be able to join us!